Things You Need to Know Before Freezing Off Your Fat
Article was written by Carly Candellino nov 2015
Most commonly known as Coolsculpting and Zeltiq
I am going to only quote the areas of greatest concern. Feel free to go to the actual article. I will add my comments in italics
2. There is a tendency for uneven removal. It’s not skill-dependent, since a vacuum-like head suctions the skin in to freeze it, so there is a risk of uneven removal, says Paul Jarrod Frank, MD, a cosmetic dermatologist in New York City.
in Aesthetic Magazine top providers admit they combine Thermage and Exilis with Coolsculpting to smooth out the skin JA
4. One treatment has been said to be enough, but that isn’t always the case. So in the end, it might not be the most cost-effective option to get the results you’re looking for. Be sure to talk to your doctor before going in for the treatment to see if you’re the perfect candidate for this procedure.
Most people require at least 2 or three treatments, worse yet you wait 2 months between treatments to see where you have lost and where you need additional treatment
5. The procedure is for very discreet fat removal. Picture a thin man with love handles or a woman with small pockets of fat on her inner thighs. “Broader areas are not good for this treatment because that won’t come out evenly,” Dr. Frank adds.
6. There is literature that Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia (PAH) can occur after cryolipolysis. According to Dr. Frank and the National Center for Biotechnology Information, fat can grow back rather than disappearing forever. “Of course, there are risks with everything, but this is the only fat removal process that has this particular risk though low,” Frank adds.
hyperplasia definition
the enlargement of an organ or tissue caused by an increase in the reproduction rate of its cells, often as an initial stage in the development of
7. It takes an hour to treat each section. So it could take a long time, depending on how many areas you want to treat.
8. You might experience cryolipolysis-induced numbness that can last for weeks. “It does something to the superficial nerves when the skin is frozen that can leave you without feeling for hours,” Dr. Frank says.
9. You can also have bruising. There’s minimal downtime with this treatment, but you might experience bruising since the areas treated will have been pulled, tugged, and pinched in the suction process. And you could be sore for days or weeks after the treatment.
10. Full results take weeks or months to show up. This depends on how well your body reacts to the treatment. You should expect to full results by the second or third month.
11. You need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to keep the results. But you probably already knew that.